Who We Are

Pro21cultural is a company founded in València in the year 2000, dedicated to music production and performing arts. Its founders come from the field of cultural management and the public sector.
Pro21cultural has been working in the music industry managing tours for groups such as Orxata, Aspencat, Vadebo, Atupa, Frida, San Gatxo, Sva-ters, Soul Atac, VerdCel and Dóna’m Jazz. Currently, we handle the management of bands like La Fúmiga, Sandra Monfort, Niuss, Colomet and Gava y Nico, as well as booking for Marala, Oques Grasses, Els Catarres, Buhos, Els Amics de les Arts and Maria del Mar Bonet.
Pro21cultural is the organizer and producer of several festivals, including the Festival Pops Marítims. We are also responsible for the artistic direction of the Festival Nits al Castell de Xàtiva and have been co-organizing, alongside VAM, the Fira Valenciana de la Música Trovam! in Castelló since 2013.
In the theatre world, we have been part of the artistic direction of Sagunt a Escena Festival (2021-2024) and we distribute all performances of Pont Flotant theatre company. Additionally, we have previously worked with companies such as Toni Albà, Francachela Teatre, Destil·ladors de Somnis, Oscura Teatre, Lupa Teatre, Trinchera Teatral and Teatrencompanyia.
In the dance field, we handle the distribution of Cristina Gómez and have previously collaborated with Christine Cloux, Clara Barberá, Asun Noales and Arantxa Sagardoy during the Patas Arriba era.
Regarding venue management, in the 2010-2011 season we programmed the Teatre Micalet de València, and since 2012, we have been managing the Teatre Calderón de Alcoi in close collaboration with the city council and the Department of Culture.
We also contributed to the launch of the Teatre El Musical in the Cabanyal-Canyamelar neighborhood, which belongs to the València City Council, in 2015.
We participate in industry fairs such as the Mercat de Música Viva de Vic, Fira Mediterrània de Manresa, and Fira B! de Baleares, as well as Bime, PrimaveraPro, Womex, FiraTàrrega, Temporada Alta, Mostra de Teatre de Alcoi, Mercartes, among others.
We are passionate about culturally engaged projects that support new languages in performing arts, bringing quality and proximity to audiences. We believe in networking and cooperative work, which is why we are members of VAM, ADVAEM, AGCPV, MusicaproCV, and the recently established Federació Valenciana de la Indústria Musical (FEVIM).
In 2024, we received financial support from institutions such as the Institut Valencià de Cultura, with grants for live music production (€17,000) and biennial aid for organizational maintenance (€15,000). Additionally, the Departament de Política Lingüística i Gestió del Multilingüisme of the Generalitat Valenciana’s Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura, Universitats i Ocupació provided funding for concerts (€9,619.17) and festivals (€20,325.41).

Rafa Jordan
Music | Performing Arts | Space Management

Fiona Maxence
Performing Arts | Music | Cultural Management

Joangre Maria
Music | Production | Booking

Iris Stella
Music | Production | Booking

Inma Expósito
Performing Arts | Communication | Bussines Management

Miquel Climent
Music | Production | Booking

Olga Álvarez
Cultural Centre La Reina 121

Jrisa Lialia
Cultural Centre La Reina 121

Johanna Baiden
Cultural Centre La Reina 121
last News
La feria valenciana de la música crece artística y profesionalmente y fortalece los lazos con la ciudad de Castellón
La sexta edición de la Feria Valenciana de la Música se cerró ayer domingo en el Teatro Principal de Castelló con el espectáculo para público familiar My Baby is a Queen de la compañía La Petita Malumaluga.
Pont Flotant estrena “El fill que vull tindre”
El Pont Flotant vuelven con “El fill que vull tindre”, su nuevo montaje producido en colaboración con Las Naves y que nace de un taller intergeneracional en el que han estado trabajando los últimos meses.
Pops Marítims Festival 2018
El Pops Marítims vuelve a la carga en el recién inaugurado espacio de artes vivas La Mutant el distrito marinero.
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