La premsa diu d’ells:
“El Diluvi is a group that is difficult to define in one paragraph. They play music rooted in folk, but modern folk, fusing styles as diverse as cumbia and rumba, reggae and ska, as well as pop rock and roots music. The result has its own name: Mestizaje Mediterráneo.” (Francesc Gisbert, La Veu)
“Sound hybridisation and commitment to the Valencian cultural roots are the principal traits that frame the trajectory of El Diluvi, a band that traces a line of continuity between the autochthonous folk of the seventies and the mestizaje of the new century, even with a light electronic accentuation.” (Carlos Pérez de Ziriza, Beat Valencia)
“Over the years, El Diluvi have become more Celtic and less rumba, the diatonic accordion has become more present and now they also add more electronics, which allows them to tackle rhythms they had not explored too much until now.” (Daniel Monfort, Tresdeu).
Everything at El Diluvi is a question of identity. A commitment to one’s own identity, but also to others. Of fostering empathy and putting oneself in the place of the other. An identity and identities that are conveyed through diversity. Because everything in them is also diversity: stylistic and idiomatic.
Stylistic because they fuse folk, reggae, cumbia, pop, Balkan rhythms and electronica like very few others. And idiomatic because, although they usually express themselves in Valencian, they have even released the same song in eight different languages: it was in 2018, with “I tu, sols tu”, of an internationalist and feminist nature, sung in French, Galician, Basque, Occitan, Aranese, Asturian, Spanish and English. Because languages are always an element of harmony.
Heirs to a legacy that goes back to Valencian folk historians such as Al Tall or Carraixet, creatively children of the enormous figure of Ovidi Montllor and wise updaters of that heritage through fusion with other styles and a fully current and valid sonority, El Diluvi are a septet originally from the region of L’Alcoià, with their base of operations initially in the city of Alicante since 2011 (“Alacant, bandera clara”, is one of their anthems), with a career behind them that has earned them the reputation of being considered one of the best sound fusion groups in the country. In fact, this was recognised by the 2019 Ovidi Montllor awards in the category of best mestizo/miscegenation album for Junteu-vos (Halley Supernova, 2019), the most mature and complete album in a career that also includes such brilliant episodes as the self-released Motius (2014), Alegria (2015) and Ànima (2017). Or the recent “Paraules silenciades”, a preview of what will be their new album in 2022.
A journey masterfully guided by his main producer, David Rosell, one of the architects of the new mestizo sound. Theirs is a career dotted with luxury collaborations, such as those of Ebri Knight, Roba Estesa, Balkan Paradise Orchestra, Huntza, Carles Belda, Zoo and Pep Gimeno Botifarra, and during which they have also had time to compose songs based on poems and texts by Ausiàs March, Maria Merçè Marçal, Mario Benedetti and Majo Domènech. The band led by Flora Sempere is, moreover, a guarantee of festive spirit, vindication and crossbreeding on any stage. One of those bands that enrich the intellect and enliven the dance. All at the same time.
La feria valenciana de la música crece artística y profesionalmente y fortalece los lazos con la ciudad de Castellón
La sexta edición de la Feria Valenciana de la Música se cerró ayer domingo en el Teatro Principal de Castelló con el espectáculo para público familiar My Baby is a Queen de la compañía La Petita Malumaluga.
Pont Flotant estrena “El fill que vull tindre”
El Pont Flotant vuelven con “El fill que vull tindre”, su nuevo montaje producido en colaboración con Las Naves y que nace de un taller intergeneracional en el que han estado trabajando los últimos meses.
Pops Marítims Festival 2018
El Pops Marítims vuelve a la carga en el recién inaugurado espacio de artes vivas La Mutant el distrito marinero.
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