El hijo que quiero tener is a reflection on education and the role of parents, grandparents, teachers and children in the learning process. Of their importance and their value, the difficulty and the effort required to educate.
Once again, Pont Flotant weaves a dramaturgy with the thread of time, not without self-criticism, humour, tenderness and irony. This time, present, past and future meet on stage to tell us stories that speak of life, of how we love our children and our parents, and of how difficult it is, at times, for us to communicate.
El hijo que quiero tener is the result of a stage workshop where three generations share a space for collective creation, where they have been able to express their vision of education, their fears, their conflicts and their desires.
Pont flotant is a stable theatre company founded in 2000 as a research group on the actor’s technique.
Far from commercial parameters, its plays are the result of collective creative work, characterised by a clear desire to search for and reflect on new forms of contemporary theatrical communication and expression.
The physical work of the actor and his particular relationship with the space and the spectator, the mixture of languages, the economy of resources and experimentation with reality within fiction are also signs of identity in their creations.
Since 2002 they have premiered ten shows, including Como piedras (2006), Ejercicios de amor (2009), Algunas personas buenas (2011), Yo de mayor quiero ser Fermín Jiménez (2013), El hijo que quiero tener (2016), Las 7 diferencias (2018), Acampada (2019) and Eclipse Total. With them they have performed in a large part of Spain and Latin America (Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras, Colombia, Chile, Argentina and Uruguay). They have received various awards such as the Nomination for Best New Show at the Max Awards 2007 and 2015, Best Direction at the April Awards 2009, Nomination for Best Foreign Show at the Theatre of the World Awards, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2010, Award for Best Children’s Show by the Institut Valencià de Cultura (2018) and Best Show for Children at the Mostra de Teatre d’Alcoi (2018) and Best Theatre Show at the Valencian Performing Arts Awards (2020).

Of Pont flotant it has been said:
“astonishes and touches the heart and reason (…) Once again we appreciate the group’s genuine and palpable quality and style in creating scenes inspired by everyday life. They combine emotion, wit, fun, reflection and a hymn to freedom”. J. V. Peiró, Las Provincias
“A proposal that, as in Com a pedres or Exercicis de amor, is based on the authenticity and verisimilitude of what is narrated (…) Intelligent humour, tenderness of exposition, ingenuity in the approach to scenic situations… The truth is that they offer us so much that one wishes one could be part of those twenty extras to be on stage”. Nel Diago. Carterlera Turia
“If, suddenly, I had to choose a show by a Valencian company in recent years that has surprised me the most, Com a pedres de El pont flotant immediately comes to mind”. E. Herreras. Levante EMV
“Theatre that you take home, inside your conscience, with a lump of gratitude in your throat.” Vanessa Martínez, AFAN DE PLAN
“Absolute unanimity in the critics, who have praised it highly. The references are excellent and indicate that it is worth going to theatres to see this company” D. Chicano, EL PUNT
“Close, vital, essential theatre”. LA TEATRERA
La feria valenciana de la música crece artística y profesionalmente y fortalece los lazos con la ciudad de Castellón
La sexta edición de la Feria Valenciana de la Música se cerró ayer domingo en el Teatro Principal de Castelló con el espectáculo para público familiar My Baby is a Queen de la compañía La Petita Malumaluga.
Pont Flotant estrena “El fill que vull tindre”
El Pont Flotant vuelven con “El fill que vull tindre”, su nuevo montaje producido en colaboración con Las Naves y que nace de un taller intergeneracional en el que han estado trabajando los últimos meses.
Pops Marítims Festival 2018
El Pops Marítims vuelve a la carga en el recién inaugurado espacio de artes vivas La Mutant el distrito marinero.
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