The Valencian artist Sandra Monfort is synonymous with tradition, folk and research, but also with avant-garde and experimentation. In “Niño Reptil Angel”, her debut album, she crossed tradition with a touch of electronic music and poetry. Now she presents us “La Mona”, a second album where she offers a forceful sound evolution that reaffirms her capacity for transformation and where she shows that, at this point, it is difficult to find an artist as complete as she is. In “La Mona”, Sandra Monfort explores the terrain where folk music and 80s pop converge. An exercise in synchronised swimming between electronic music and popular culture. With Valencian band arrangements, percussion, 80s synthesizers, vigorous guitars and her voice, at times soft and at times sure and infallible, weaving the songs to create a unique universe of poetry and dance.
The artist sings in her mother tongue in such an everyday and real tone that it is impossible not to place ourselves in a space charged with the life and collectivity of Valencian villages, their streets, their festivals, their desires, their laments… “La Mona” moves between pasodobles, bachatas, boleros, ballads and other folkloric styles sung in Valencian and combined with the most contemporary sounds. Sandra Monfort talks about such sensitive issues as suicide, motherhood, patriarchy, love, sex, death, gender violence and pain, in a luminous and hopeful tone. The architect that contemporary society needs to wake up, to not take everything for lost, to mobilise and raise awareness, to unite and collectivise. A balm of fresh air, a healing dance, a deep breath of fresh air.
The press says of her:
“Niño Reptil Ángel (2021) is one of the most audacious and captivating albums that have been made in Spain so far this year”. (Carlos Pérez de Ziriza, El País)
“Niño Reptil Ángel is an album that deftly morphs between tonalities and plunges into an ocean of contrast, a solo adventure full of metaphors fused in a constant duality, traditional folk and avant-garde”. (Andrea Giménez, Mondosonoro)
“What this album really represents is an exultant qualitative leap that should place her in a similar league to that of Maria Arnal i Marcel Bagés, Hermanos Cubero or Califato ¾”. (Víctor López Heras, Beat Valencia)
La feria valenciana de la música crece artística y profesionalmente y fortalece los lazos con la ciudad de Castellón
La sexta edición de la Feria Valenciana de la Música se cerró ayer domingo en el Teatro Principal de Castelló con el espectáculo para público familiar My Baby is a Queen de la compañía La Petita Malumaluga.
Pont Flotant estrena “El fill que vull tindre”
El Pont Flotant vuelven con “El fill que vull tindre”, su nuevo montaje producido en colaboración con Las Naves y que nace de un taller intergeneracional en el que han estado trabajando los últimos meses.
Pops Marítims Festival 2018
El Pops Marítims vuelve a la carga en el recién inaugurado espacio de artes vivas La Mutant el distrito marinero.
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