Yo de mayor quiero ser Fermín Jiménez – Pont Flotant

Yo de mayor quiero ser Fermín Jiménez . I want to always be happy and give as good a vibe as him.

I want to take life as a game. I want to have as little money as him and do as well as he did. To relativise as a rule. To take the weight off everything. Let life be weightless. Some people live to work. There are those who work to live. And there are those who live, like Fermín Jiménez.

Yo de mayor quiero ser Fermín Jiménez talks about the need to work in today’s society, the imposition -generally social- of dedicating more hours to work than to any other idle, leisure, family, etc. activity. How we never stop building, generating, creating, when we are surrounded by surpluses, only badly distributed. Ironically, the need for free time is raised, at a time when many people have nothing but free time.

Yo de mayor quiero ser Fermín Jiménez is an ode to downtime, to boredom, to living with peace of mind and good humour, to taking things philosophically and creatively. It is an ode to life, to enjoying life, friends, family, hobbies, the things that really fulfil us. It is a theatrical attempt to emulate Fermín Jiménez, a character who knows how to live much better than they do.


Pont flotant theatre company 

Pont flotant is a stable theatre company founded in 2000 as a research group on the actor’s technique.

Far from commercial parameters, its plays are the result of collective creative work, characterised by a clear desire to search for and reflect on new forms of contemporary theatrical communication and expression.

The physical work of the actor and his particular relationship with the space and the spectator, the mixture of languages, the economy of resources and experimentation with reality within fiction are also signs of identity in their creations.

Since 2002 they have premiered ten shows, including Como piedras (2006), Ejercicios de amor (2009), Algunas personas buenas (2011), Yo de mayor quiero ser Fermín Jiménez (2013), El hijo que quiero tener (2016), Las 7 diferencias (2018), Acampada (2019) and Eclipse Total (2021). With them they have performed in a large part of Spain and Latin America (Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras, Colombia, Chile, Argentina and Uruguay). They have received various awards such as the Nomination for Best New Show at the Max Awards 2007 and 2015, Best Direction at the April Awards 2009, Nomination for Best Foreign Show at the Theatre of the World Awards, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2010, Award for Best Children’s Show by the Institut Valencià de Cultura (2018) and Best Show for Children at the Mostra de Teatre d’Alcoi (2018) and Best Theatre Show at the Valencian Performing Arts Awards (2020).

Of Pont flotant it has been said:

“Don’t miss “Total Eclipse”: it’s a play that touches, a play that you’re sure you’ll never forget, because it doesn’t leave your mind after the lights come on. And, as I said before, not because it is sad but because of its emotionality and its intelligence to talk and make us talk about death. The ‘transformative power of theatre’ is sometimes referred to, and the truth is that it’s been a long time since I’ve come across such a clear example of what this concept means”. Germán Castañeda. BIFMRADIO

“Eclipsi total is one of Pont Flotant’s best pieces, not so much for the delicacy of its subject as for the beauty – I would say moral as well as formal – with which it is conveyed to the spectator. “Oscar Brox, DETOUR

“Starting from the principle that a play is always finished by the spectator, the theatre that Pont Flotant makes affects you and in what way. That is the magic of the theatre that these people do. After attending for more than 80 minutes, the audience goes out into the street transformed”. Ágreda L.M. TRIBUNA VALLADOLID

“A collective that has left us up to the present some masterpieces (Com a pedres, Exercicis d’Amor…) to which we will have to add the present work, an event of unequalled beauty. Living poetry, Art with capital letters”. Nel Diago.  CARTELERA TURIA

“The splendorous ending, a scene of a beauty with an eclipse that leaves you absorbed, is the rubric to an excellent work. A lesson in magic… Geniuses with their own style like Pau Pons, Joan Collado, Àlex Cantó and Jesús Muñoz”. José Vicente Peiró

“Theatre that you take home, inside your conscience, with a lump of gratitude in your throat.” Vanessa Martínez, AFAN DE PLAN

“Absolute unanimity in the critics, who have praised it highly. The references are excellent and indicate that it is worth going to theatres to see this company” D. Chicano, EL PUNT

“Close, vital, essential theatre”. LA TEATRERA


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